Thursday, May 2, 2019


The Many Named Man

Many of us have heard about the story of a dad who blessed their child with a different name than the one they were born with however I am the one who has lived it. My Dad wanted to name me TD, however my mom wanted there to be more options for me. My Dad got as close as he could by naming me after her father, Thomas Daniel. Then, when it came time for my blessing in church, he used TD as my name. Since then I have gained nicknames like they are going out of style. They range from Corn Dog to Tong Dong with a lot of variation in between 

Grill Master

I am the only person on the earth with a masters in Traeger Grilling from BYU. One of my favorite pastimes and hobbies is Smoking meats. In fact, as I write this there are 6 racks of ribs on the grill on their 4th hour of being smoked. When I was younger My dad traveled a lot for business and learned a few tricks over the years. Eventually he grabbed his own smoker and we started to become known for making the best BBQ around with my first paycheck back from the mission I bought my own and have changed the face of ward potlucks in all of the wards I've jumped between since then. 

Techno Wiz Kid

Some of the earliest memories I have are of spending time with my Dad in his office late at night as he played video games with his brothers.  Since then I have grown-up all-around technology and even gone as far as paying for my mission, my first Car, and even all of college through video games. One of my life mottos is that you can never have to many battery banks and with the amount of tech I carry around with me it’s understandable.

Book Binger

I have a strong passion for reading. I read books like I used to eat candy Halloween night. Reading a good book is one of my favorite ways to pass the time. I have a habit of pulling the favorite book out of someone who I know is a reader and adding it to my queue. There is so much to be found in books and I love diving into them for entertainment or even advice.

(This is a screen shot from my Audible 
account and accounts for less than half of the books I consume)


  1. I will bring you meat to smoke! that sounds so bomb. I love cooking and wish I had a grill like that. I have a book for you to add to your queue. It's called "Into Thin Air" and its about the 1996 Everest expedition, the deadliest ever.

  2. This was one of the most fun epithets I've read! You seem have a lot of great skills haha! I'm jealous of how much you read, I wish I chose to do that more in my free time!

  3. I'm really curious how you got a masters in grilling, I have never heard of someone doing that before, particularly at BYU. Also, I love to listen to books while I'm at work, do you have any recommendations?

  4. TD, I respect you and your grill skills. I’m from Texas and understand the beauty of a perfectly smoked piece of meat. There is something incredibly nostalgic about that sweet smell of pork, brisket, and chicken cooking all day long. I am also into books. Have you read "All the Light We Cannot See" by Anthony Doerr? This book left me speechless and I loved every page. Keep on reading and making good food TD!

  5. I feel you brother. I have had so many nicknames I’ve lost count. Though I do know that at least three of them had to do with bodily fluids/function. And I wasn’t even unpopular in high school haha. I did some research about Traeger grilling for a marketing class last year and became really interested in them. Grilling with a Traeger honestly sounds like an art form. I definitely would like to hear more, so talk about that in a future post if it somehow ends up being relevant! Also, audible is great and I aspire to log half the time you have.
